client code
David works with clients that are open to exploring themselves on the deepest level, they are willing to see if there is more to discover -- both about themselves and the 'bigger picture'. ​They are willing to be radically transparent and trust themselves in the best way that they know how.
David acknowledges that every individual is having a unique experience and that he deeply honors the opportunity to meet you exactly where you are at in your life. David will bring years of experience to support you in the greatest way he knows how, trusting that you will do the same by making the right efforts and commitment. He loves his work and enjoys the friendships he creates with all his clients.
David works with the following people:
People that are ready to be vulnerable and explore their highest potential.
People that are ready to positively change their mindsets and behaviors.
People that have experienced 'success' and feel there is something more.
People that are ready to let go of the past and make peace with their story.
People that are ready to experience a more fulfilling and empowered life.
People that want to wake up inspired, full of energy and ready for action.
People that want to attract inspiring people and more meaningful relations.
People that want to access new methods for manifesting their hearts desires.
People that want to learn more about the 'bigger picture' and consciousness.
1:1 Private Session
Visit David's private studio in LA for a transformative journey that involves sacred clearing work, wisdom tea discourse, sound and breath work and a life blueprint strategy session. Out calls are also available. Click info pack for more details.
Coaching Call
Book a private coaching call with David to get deeper clarity and guidance on any life circumstance. You can also sign up for his 'Breakthrough' program which is a 6 week transformative call experience with guided ceremonies and rituals.
Integration Coaching
Integration Coaching involves a guided program that transforms old patterns and creates new pathways to the life you truly desire. Learn more in the info pack.
Private Retreat
David operates a retreat centre in Northern California, Mt Shasta. Learn more about how a transformative mountain escape can bring new levels of inspiration and rejuvenation into your life.
Detox Immersion
David offers clients a full body heavy metal parasite detox experiences that can either be done in your home or at the retreat centre in Mt Shasta. This cleanse is a powerful reset and alignment allowing you to get the most out of your journey.
Vision Quest
This is not for everyone, a powerful initiation in the subtle realms of limitless potentials . Involves 4 days dry fast (no food or water), meditating on top of a mountain in Northern California. Learn more from info pack and book a call.